Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I do know the proper word is resolving, but on New Years it kind of seems like a different concept altogether. I've started this new blog because I want to turn over a new leaf and not have to see the old posts from when I let my BFL challenge get away from me because I was too stressed and over-committed. I don't generally put a whole lot of stock in New Years resolutions - I try to think more day-to-day and not set myself up for the kind of failure that makes you want to hibernate until next Dec 31's clean slate. But I have a lot of goals for this semester and the following year, so I'm going to put some of them down for posterity.

So, to keep this post brief and get my resolute little self to bed, here is the list:
  1. Make it a top priority to take care of myself. This is a huge one which includes eating right, exercising just about every day, sleeping enough, and just doing the little things that make me feel comfortable and happy. Lose weight and (without becoming a totally vain narcissist) put some effort into my appearance. Stop whining about how expensive NYC haircuts are and just find a place that's worth the price.
  2. Train for the Reykjavik Marathon in August. This has already started but I haven't really held myself strictly to the training schedule. Starting tomorrow (Jan 2, so really today) I am going to hold myself to 90% or so compliance with the schedule.
  3. Start dating again. I got out of a relationship in April of 07 and then basically decided not to date for a while. I am definitely over the issues that made me want to stop dating, so I'm getting back out there ASAP.
  4. Savor and enjoy and get the most of my classes and activities this semester. I have a bad habit of taking on too much and not being able to put my all into any one thing. I'm trying to avoid that, but it's hard to totally overcome it. It's going to be a struggle.
  5. Get my application together for semester abroad, and head to Europe!
  6. Make the most of my summer job - enjoy the summer in Boston, learn a lot, be the best lawyer-in-training that I can be, and assess which direction I see my career going in. Come away from it with a better idea of how I want my life to be in fall 09 when I start working for real.
  7. Recognize great opportunities and go for them!
  8. Celebrate and cherish my wonderful friends and family.

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