Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Well, I'm not 100% but I'm definitely on the way there. I have kept up with the neti pot and also had a lot of soup and tea.

As the last few posts have indicated, I'm trying to recapture the magic I had going on last semester with the healthy behaviors. Today I FINALLY managed to get up earlier than 8 am, for the first time in probably 3 months. I leave for Arizona tomorrow and have to catch a shuttle to the airport at 6:45, so I had to reassure myself that I'm physically capable of getting up that early. But this is promising - next week when I get back, 6 am is going to be my wake-up time every day, which also probably means that 10 pm is going to be my bed time. But I MUST get back into the gym to do cardio intervals and weight lifting. These are so important and I haven't done them in ages.

So, the priority for the next 24 hours leading up to the AZ trip is to stay healthy and get packed, and to set myself up for success when I get back. I'm bringing my running gear and a lot of healthy foods with me, and I intend to get myself out of the hotel as much as possible to walk around, get sun and feel good.

m1: kashi go-lean, blueberries
m2: almonds, pear
m3: hummus & veg sandwich, carrots
m4: protein shake
m5: ?
m6: ?

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